Wednesday, October 27, 2010

“Beyond the Cult of Fatherhood” by David Osborne

After reading the excerpt, I have a better understanding of the "non-traditional" dad. One who stays home to take care of the children, as oppose to working long hours to support their family financially. In the excerpt, Osbourne is in a situation where he must take care of his son because his wife is the family's financial support more than he is. From his perspective, Osbourne seems as if he has no problem taking care his son Nick. Moreover, it's like he really enjoys it.

Osbourne is very descriptive when explaining his daily routine with Nick. It's very obvious that he loves his son dearly, because he can barely stand the sight of seeing him cry. He even gives him ice cream before dinner to comfort him. Therefore, I believe that Osbourne takes pride in raising his son and does not look at it as being a non traditional dad, but more so a great dad.

After reading this excerpt, one can conclude that Osbourne and his wife have switched roles that our society have placed on humans overall. The roles that consist of the mother being the person in the family that takes care of the home and children, while the father goes out and works to support the family financially. Many men reading this would believe that man staying home to take care of children would make them less of a man. Osbourne sees it more so as taking care of his responsibilities as a father.

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